Lee Property nominated for Innovation. API 2019 National Excellence in Property Awards
API 2019 National Excellence in Property Awards
“We understand that there are no competitive barriers when it comes to data security…….”
Corey McMahon
Lee Property has been nominated for its excellence in Innovation. Lee Property has the vision to see the changing trends in data security in the Valuations industry.
About Our System
Lee Property have always maintained very tight internal controls, however the company wanted to formalise these into a recognised Information security management system (ISMS) and make the framework elastic so that it could be updated with future client and legislative changes.
Lee Property chose the only international auditable standard for ISMS., ISO 27001. The data framework included compliance to the Australian Privacy Principles, the GDPR, client demands and APRAs new prudential standard CPS 234. Lee Property achieved certification to ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2018 in October 2018.
Contributing to the Valuations Industry
Lee Property Managing Director, Corey McMahon, said ‘We understand that there are no competitive barriers when it comes to data security. We need to be working together to attain best practise and best fit for the Valuations industry.”
Lee Property has actively pursued promoting ISO 27001 in the Valuations Industry. Corey has spoken to competitive groups providing a case study and guidance on a practical ISMS solution. This is not just about compliance, it is about protecting all businesses from the destructive and costly attention of a data breach.
Lee Property has engaged with several major clients to accept ISO 27001 as the information security system of choice for the valuations industry and amalgamate other requirements, such as GDPR and APRA CPS 234, into the ISO 27001 framework.
Lee Property have speaking engagements before Valuations groups and at the API national conference in October and will continue to support the industry for best practise in ISMS. For more information on the API 2019 National Excellence in Property Awards, categories and how to apply go to their website https://www.npc.api.org.au/awards