Mentoring and Professional Development

LPVA continues to be an employer of choice, as we recognise the benefits of Mentoring and Professional Development for both the business and the individual by encouraging experienced staff in the company to provide guidance and support to new and less experienced team members.

Read the article Benefits for mentees/mentors and the company.

Cadet Program

Lee Property continue to invest heavily in the professional development of our valuers and through the mentoring of quality Cadets.  LPVA structures training for the individual needs of each Cadet, learning from some of the most skilled valuers in Australia. Lee Property do not send Cadets into the field to perform work unassisted, they always work alongside one of our key qualified valuers.  

Our mentoring program is considered to provide a broad experience for the developing Cadet which includes undertaking research, sitting alongside a valuer through the whole valuation process from inspection to report delivery. Lee Property cannot facilitate all the Cadets who approach us for a position, but if you feel you have a commitment to exceptional customer service delivery, want to work with a progressive business, then please forward us your application (link).  The training doesn’t end when you become an RPV! Lee Property design and cater to your personal goals in achieving your next level of accreditation (CPV). We work with you to progress to become the best valuer you can be.

Our Administrative Team are some of the most knowledgeable and experienced in the industry.  On commencement of a new staff member we provide one on one with a leading Client Service Specialist. This mentoring program can run for some time until the new incumbent and Lee Property feel that the relevant skills and knowledge have been transferred. Valuations is a changing and exciting industry, so it’s imperative that professional development in all departments is ongoing, building the best team of Valuers and support staff possible.

Commitment to Professional Development

Each of our Valuers maintains Membership of the Australian Property Institute (API). Each valuer either meets or exceeds the API’s expectations for Continuing Professional Development and compliance. Cyclical Risk Management training and an annual update of the Standing Instruction module is provided by the API and supported by Lee Property.

Encouraging Specialist Skills and Knowledge Expansion

Lee Property encourages Valuers to expand their specialist skills and knowledge. We also offer our valuers an excellent support network, administratively, technically, as well as internal and external training programs to keep up with industry and market developments.